Claude Lopez
data-driven Economist | thought LEADER | Executive

I love building high performing teams and developing effective policy and research agendas that draw insights from data, help make smarter decisions, and communicate them effectively.
I am currently the Head of the Research Department at the Reserve Bank of Australia. Prior to this role, I served as Deputy Head of the Financial Stability Department.
Before joining the RBA, I was Head of the Research Department and Chief Research Officer at the Milken Institute, a US think-tank focusing on economic and social issues. During that time, I was also a co-chair of the T20 task force on global financial architecture, an advisory committee to the G20.
Earlier in my career, I had several expert and management roles at the Banque de France and was a professor of economics at the University of Cincinnati.
I love building high performing teams and developing effective policy and research agendas that draw insights from data, help make smarter decisions, and communicate them effectively.
I am currently the Head of the Research Department at the Reserve Bank of Australia. Prior to this role, I served as Deputy Head of the Financial Stability Department.
Before joining the RBA, I was Head of the Research Department and Chief Research Officer at the Milken Institute, a US think-tank focusing on economic and social issues. During that time, I was also a co-chair of the T20 task force on global financial architecture, an advisory committee to the G20.
Earlier in my career, I had several expert and management roles at the Banque de France and was a professor of economics at the University of Cincinnati.